18 December 2023

Magoo Christmas

When I was small Christmas meant many things, one of them was the TV showing of the Mr. Magoo version of The Christmas Carol. It's still my favorite Christmas cartoon and when I think of that story I always hear the voice of Jim Backus as Scrooge. Christmas is almost here. I have this on DVD somewhere. This was the very first Christmas cartoon.

 See this blog for a lot of great info on a wonderful show 

06 December 2023

I miss apathy

 When I was much younger, in the 70's, those of us who were politically minded would often lament the apathy of the masses. "Why is it no one cares about the problem of (fill in the blank)?"

I could not really understand how people could go about their lives without having an opinion on the latest major bill before Congress, our next Governor, our next President, the latest foreign crisis. 

I think I miss those days. 

Today it seems too many of folks have too strongly held opinions on too many things. Perhaps it is because so many of the issues of today have a moral aspect, that those who traditionally kept silent, now feel the need to speak. 

In many cases the opening of mouths reflects an inner emptiness. It reflects an inate human desire to be part of something much bigger than yourself, to matter, to be engaged with big things. Technology has given my friends, and me, a global microphone, and some demand to be heard. 

But wait a minute. Is it really this way, or am I falling into an American myth? I have been told that the country is torn apart and that our relationships with our family and neighbors is burdened by the ripping of the American weave that binds us together. Yet, I do not know one soul who spouts their political views via social media. If I do, I am not aware that they do so. I conduct a relationship with them completely oblivious to their views on any issue. I may suspect how they vote, but I don't know, for it is something I never discuss with them. 

These are the topics that my friends and I engage in... the new construction in our towns, stock prices, the Holy Eucharist, the state of professional and amateur football in Minnesota, weather, hospice care, the St. Louis Cardinals, vacation plans, family events, church events. That covers 90% or more of my talking and listening. 

So, back to apathy. I think we could use a little more of it. Don't care about the thing the invisible guy on your phone sez you should care about. Taking care of your family is always more important. And no, they are not the same. Supporting Invisible Guy's favorite issue is not a way to show your family you care. 

Try trusting those in authority. Come on, and not just those you agree with. Most of them are better people than you are led to believe. 

Trust more.