In 1993 I started a personal tradition of only watching inaugural speeches in person and when I've been invited to the ball. That was my last one. On the 20th I took care of my clients, and tried to make a little money for my family, which is one of the best thing I can do on this day for my country.
Presidents of my lifetime, ranked in terms of which ones I would most like to have dinner with: Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush II, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Bush I, Carter, Kennedy, Clinton.
Vice Presidents that did not become President, ranked same way: Rockefeller, Cheney, Quayle, Gore, Agnew, Mondale, Humphrey.
President I would most expect to:
Leave a fat tip: Bush I
Leave no tip: Johnson
Understand Atlas Shrugged: Reagan
Misunderstand Atlas Shrugged: Johnson
Have read the Bible: Kennedy
Have a well worn and tattered Bible on their desk: Ford
Write a hot check: Carter
Have a bad drug habit: Carter
Change his own oil: Bush II
Be a closet Communist: Bush I
Have a glass of grape koolaid in his hand: Bush II
Have a gun in the glove box: Nixon
Pass gas and blame his VP: Kennedy
Pass time as a short order cook at Denny’s: Ford
Cut me off in traffic: Eisenhower
Cut in line at Disney World: Clinton
Leave Denny’s with a pocketful of Sweet N Lo: Nixon
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