22 March 2021

March Hoops

 There is something about the basketball tournament that has a way of sticking in your head. From the drama of selection Sunday to the form, the structure, the dreams that rise and fall with each tip-off in the first round. 

The tournament is like much of our lives. With many big big things we get no second chance at all. You lose, you go home. 

You make the right impression on that first date, the rest of your life is changed. Make the wrong impression and there may be no second chance. Same way with job interviews. Sales presentations. Lottery tickets. Tryouts for the high school play. The curve on an icy road. 

The difference is, in life we often we don't realize the magnitude of the situation until years later. "If I had known then what I know now..." I would have done X instead of  Y, left instead of right, Yes instead of No. Also, we don't know if there is a second chance coming. In the tournament we know there is not. In life we often expect another shot, a chance a redemption, a mulligan, forgiveness or an apology or just a kindhearted second chance. 

I need the chance to correct mistakes and errors. It is hard to even imagine a life where every day and every decision was like the tournament. No look back, no second chances. But still, that tournament is mesmerizing. 

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