I like Walmart. Great selection at very good prices. Especially their honey cured hams. Amazing.
In many cases the goods are made in places where the cost of materials and labor is less than in my home state. Good for me, good for my fellow Minnesotans, and most importantly, good for Walmart shareholders. Win Win Win.
But, every once in a while they get weird.
Today I was enrolling in WalMart Pharmacy. I didn't want to but it was the only way to check a price.
They wanted to confirm my identity. They asked me questions about my life. First, "Which of these cities did you live in?" Second "Which of these companies did you work for?"
Quiet now children....Third "Which of these is your zodiac sign?" What is going on here? Walmart promoting astrology? Not likely. But weird nonetheless. Most likely the person who came up with the questions is in a cubicle in Rogers, AR just trying to come up with one more unique question before heading over to Captain D's for supper.
I didn't answer it, but they still let me in. Too late. I found their feedback form and in the 100 characters I was alloted I manage to ask them to stop doing this. I bet they do.
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